Myrtle Grove Baptist Church always has opportunities for folks to volunteer and serve the Lord and
the church in many ways.
Ranging from child care during services & special events to our "greeters ministry" to
being a teacher in Bible Study - there are always places for you to get involved.
Listed below are just a few areas that we currently can use your help.  If none of these areas are of
particular interest to you - there are many other areas where you can take an active part. 
Sunday Services: 10:30 AM -   Wednesday Bible Study/Prayer 6:00 PM
© Myrtle Grove Baptist Church - 5920 Lillian Highway - Pensacola, Fl  32506  850-455-7389 Bible Study (Sunday School: 9:15 AM on Sunday
FLC Volunteers -
Family Life Center we always have a need for folks to step up and
volunteer. conatct the office for more information - they can direct you
to the right person.
Sound Booth Volunteers
We currently have two services each week (Sunday
morning at Wednesday evening) along with ‘special
projects/events.’ We are always in the need of help.
“On the job training” can be provided. Contact Pat
Berry or call the office.